Encouraging Lessons
10 lessons from the Encouragement Sessions. These 'handfuls of tangfastics for the soul' are hour-long mentoring calls which inject positivity and inspiration
e n — c o u r — a g e
To give support, confidence, or hope (to someone)
Most of the time people just need you to listen. It was Alfred Brendel who reminded us that “the word listen has the same letters as the word silent”
Sometimes people just need to do more of the things that bring them joy (including you, yes you)
One hour sounds like a long time to be chatting but truly it is no time at all. It is also all the time in the world if there’s a balance struck between talking and listening (on both sides of the call)
It is far easier for someone else to say nice things about you than it is for you to say them about yourself (but never be afraid to share the nice things people say about you … they’re important and they meant it)
Energy and enthusiasm are catching, in a good way
If you want to shape a different future, you need to be brave enough to say what it is you imagine. Having someone to help you take the first step can make all the difference
Optimism is about being able to intentionally identify and prescribe the desired future so as to actively pull it closer
‘The Future We Choose’ Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac
Give someone space and watch how they fill it - “(a time for me) to open up and allow me to express my vulnerabilities in a safe and non-judgmental space. I felt a massive load had been taken from my shoulders, a relief, and permission to follow what my heart was trying to tell me”
Don’t overdo it. Encouraging people is addictive and personally uplifting. But it is draining too. Give yourself time to recharge; make sure you bring your best self to every mentoring session
Never ever be afraid to ask for help. The people who most need the help are always, always those who will most downplay their need (“offer my space to someone else” they will say)
Encouragement is a superpower
Thanks for this ❤️