We are delighted that has shared her thoughts on kindness for our new collaborative project The Gift of Words *
* follow this link if you would like to add to this collection of encouraging words.
We love that the Substack community allows us to connect with fellow creatives, supporting and shouting up for one another. Vanessa is a few months into building her corner of this place, celebrating her creative practice from her childhood home in Somerset. It is already apparent from the lovely comments on each of her posts that she is finding kindred spirits who appreciate her beautiful photography and her lovely words.
I frequently tell others that ‘kindness is a hidden superpower’ for it is my belief and experience that even the tiniest kindnesses can alter the course of another’s day. That in itself may be enough, but what we so often won’t know is the benefits of the ripple effect that can result from that one small act of kindness.
I think it is probably contagious.
I have been the recipient of many, many kindnesses from people all over the world; the insignificant moments that others may have long forgotten remain with me for they have often been the highlight of my day.
From friendly neighbours who wave through a window, to the man in the mobile library who is interested in which books I choose, the warmth of these friendly encounters endures.
So many of us experience loneliness that it has been declared a ‘global public health concern’ by the WHO. The causes and consequences are myriad, of course, but I like to believe that a smile or the exchange of a few seemingly unimportant words - just tiny moments of human connection - are simple ways any one of us can ease the pain of others’ lonely days.
I often ponder where kindness and generosity cross paths, but I think that kindness is largely found in the small acts of life that cost us nothing but a moment in time; a lift door held open, reaching up to a high shelf for another (I very much appreciate this as a shortie!), a smile, a thoughtful compliment, remembering to ask questions that are important to another - I could go on, but perhaps these examples all illustrate a habit of looking outwards at others rather than concentrating too fiercely upon ourselves and whatever mission we may absorbed in.
I am SUCH a believer in this superpower that I’m thinking I need a vest with a ‘K’ logo (though if you choose the pants over the tights look instead, I will be the one applauding).
We do hope that you head over to
where Vanessa is building a gentle community of creative souls; as she explains:Recent years have seen me try a number of different creative avenues in pursuit of finding the ‘thing’ that will prove to be my metier, in which I will find pleasure, fulfilment and success. Alas it has taken me this long to finally recognise that no such thing exists for me; I often have an image in my mind of an octopus being shoved into a string bag - it’s just never going to be comfortable or practical and thus I am determined no longer to try and fit any sort of mould.
I firmly believe that kindness is some sort of superpower and being surrounded by things we find beautiful is not frivolous but fundamental to our wellbeing, so much of my time is spent in support of others or in slowly creating an environment and objects that please my eye.
We’ll see you over there.
Thank you Barrie, your encouragement in pursuing a space for myself here has been instrumental in my weekly writing this year.
you two are such a huge and reassuring inspiration to me … even though I still don’t know what « re-stacking » means and I am a rare and inconsistent visitor to this platform, it feels like a cosy, creative and special space where inspiration in all guises seeps in and is nourished by kindness. Thank you both (is there a word like both for three people? I’d also include JoJo here too!)